Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

Easter was early this year...on March 23rd, but it was a beautiful day so we could have the easter egg hunt outside....and everyone could wear their Easter clothes without coats! The Sunday before we had about 8 inches of snow, so we were VERY grateful for this day!

The Grandkids (most of them anyway) in their "Easter Best".

Pretty in Purple...Abby, Gracie and Eliza
Mark and Ellie....what a princess!

Cousins...Emma, Mallory, Gracie, and Sydney...after the Easter basket hunt.

The three littlest...with their Easter baskets....Mesia, Caleb, and Ellie

"We are happy with our Easter Baskets....Lauren and Eli!

Clare and Mesia checking out the "goodies"!

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Emilys baby shower

Jan & Deanne gave Emily a baby shower on March 15th at Jan's home. Almost all the cousins were there and we also invited the little girls. It was a fun occasion and Emily looked beautiful.

A Teddy bear for the new baby.

Good Friends forever! Wendy and Amanda

Some of the little granddaughters. What a cute bunch

Sisters...Emily, Angela and Christina

Mesia was very interested in Kathryn's new baby boy. I wonder if she will be as nice to her own little sister when she comes in July?

Three beauties...Tessa, Tara, and Angela.

Aunt Deanne with some of her daughters and granddaughters.

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