Gracie and her Dad before the baptism
After the confirmation. Isn't she a little angel?
Rick & Donna had the whole crowd to their home afterwards for a dinner and visiting....well this group doesn't seem to be doing much visiting!! (they're watching the big screen TV in the new "great room" is beautiful)
Brad and I with my lovely new "accessory". I have to wear this awkward sling for the next 5 weeks--- 24/7!!!! I've already had it on a week since my rotator cuff surgery and it is driving me crazy! I just hope I SOMEDAY get the full use of my arm back!!
Brad with Cannon....just look at HIS adorable face!

Tessa, busy with some electronic game. She was sad because Tara was not there. (Tara had to work). :(
Tessa, busy with some electronic game. She was sad because Tara was not there. (Tara had to work). :(
Cannon checking out Hannah. He kept wanting to grab her bow! Couldn't figure out what in the world that was on her head!