Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Christmas Party

We had our Christmas Program and Party at Dan & Clare's EVERYONE WAS THERE! What a joy! And we were able to take the family picture for the Christmas card....thanks to Sarah and Mark. It is great to have photographers in the family.

Madison and Caleb were Mary and Joseph...and they acted the part perfectly!
The Sheperds were: Dallin, Eliza, Abby and Eli...with Mesa being the lone sheep!
The angels were: Mallory, Gracie, Emma, Sydney, Lauren, and Rachel....with Alexa in front. Aren't they adorable?
The three wisemen with their gifts: Joshua, Taylor, and Sawyer......Ellie wants to go to Bethlehem with them!
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More Christmas program

Three of the four narrators.... Spencer, Nathan, and Chad....don't know where Adam had gone. They WERE happier than this and DID do a good job.

Stafford was the accompanist....and did a fantastic job!
Mesia was the STAR....but had a had time holding it the right way! She is a star, real life.
The whole company of actors with a couple of photographers...Emily and Steve
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Festival of Trees

On December 3rd I took several of the family to THE FESTIVAL OF TREES. This has become a tradition in our family and is always fun.
The trees were so amazing this year, and sooooo many of them. The kids also had a fun time watching the performers.
Sarah's mother met us there. She had never seen it. You can also see Dallin, Clare, Michelle and Hannah in the background.
Some of the granddaughters with the moms and the only dad...Brian. Way to go Brian! We loved having you there.
Abby, Eliza, Sydney, and Gracie
All the grandkids who came (except for the babies) with Santa.
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Fun with Madison & Abby

It has been so fun to have Madison & Abby here for a visit. It's nice to have Brian and Sarah too, of course :)

Mesia and Madison were sooooo happy to see each other.
Abby and Anna get to know each other too.
Grandma Alice meets Abby....this was just a few weeks before she passed away. So glad they were all able to visit with her.
Abby LOVED to play in the frig. She could always find SOMETHING to eat.
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Madison and Mesia dancing! What energy! Brian is on the piano....really jammin'!!!

Thanksgiving 2008

Because of the operation on my shoulder, Donna offered to have Thanksgiving at their home this year. We were going to have it at a ward in Bountiful, but with Rick & Donna's new addition, we all fit very comfortably in their home and it was wonderful

appetizers before the big meal. Check out Mark & Sarah in the background. He was helping her with photoshop.
The teenagers at their table. Tara was the only girl because the Barlows were not there. It was the inlaws turn :(
The young ones table....they have such fun together
Watching the game afterwards on the new big screen.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The 2008 Turkey Bowl

Brian and Sarah and their girls came for a LONG holiday visit -from Nov. 22 to Jan 10. It is SO FUN to have them! Brian was especially looking forward to the Turkey Bowl that we have traditionally played on Thanksgiving morning....and what a morning it was! It was clear and warm and beautiful. All the men and boys gathered at Beacon Heights play ground and had a great time. The men were playing the boys at first, but suprisingly the men still had the upper hand .They won't for long as they keep getting older :) After the Barlows, left they divided the teams more equally. It was so fun to watch them. All my sons and sons in law (except for Kevin who was in Idaho) and most of the older grandsons were there. It brought such joy to my heart to see them playing together and enjoying one another. What a blessing to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving day.

Mesia and Madison....two kindred spirits
watching the game with Grandma
Getting ready for a play
All the athletes
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