To the Site Missionaries (Elder & Sister Cranney one night after Rendezvous) He is my mother's 2nd cousin.
Farewell to all my house plants...just look how healthy they are. This is Sister Lambert & Sister Hallman who work in the laundry at the Temple. They promised to talk to them and keep them healthy and happy :) I hated to let them go, but there was no way I could get them all home.Took my last walk in the Groves west of the Temple and read this sign telling of the Saints leaving Nauvoo in 1846...Yes, it is a solemn time for them and for me!

Outdoor Stage where "Sunset" was held.
Singing at the Last Big Group Dinner. We sang "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You"...a real tear jerker!!
Last time to the Pioneer Cemetery
Wrapping gifts for the new "Winter Warriors"
Last Friday night at "Grandpa Johns" with the Friday PM missionaries.
Farewell to President and Sister Ross (with the Ludwigs)
Farewell openhouse for the Petersons
I was on the committee for this party. Don't the tables look great!
Farewell to two wonderful local sisters: Sister Anderson (her husband is one of the Bishops in town, and Sister Hawkes, she is the Relief Society president in one of the wards.
Sister Chipman...a dear friend and fellow missionary.
Alma De la Reva and her family
The Tukuafus
Farewell to Great grandfather Oak!! He looks sad, doesn't he?
Last time to serve in the Information Center...Oct. 28th
Saying goodbye to my beautiful flower garden...we had to pull them up Friday, Oct 29th
This is how it looked after the "pull" :(
The huge pile of flowers & vegetables!! There were lots of green tomatoes :(
NRI picking up the flowers and tomato plants
Rick, taking his last bike ride with me. Friday 29th of Oct.
Saying Farewell to Brigham and Joseph
A last Sunset ...what a great place to ride a bike.
Farewell to the wonderful horses that pull the carriage and wagon rides. They come by our apt. every day several times. Going to miss them.
Rick's sad Goodbye to his walking shoes...don't you think it is about time?!