Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fun at the Swing (after Church)

Rick and Donna and their children stayed up for Sunday, along with Brad , and Chad and me. We went to Church at the Carlson/White cabin and it was wonderful. There were about 100 people there! Dr. Sharp conducted and Brad played the piano. It was a testimony meeting and the Spirit was very strong.
Afterwards we walked up to the Big Swing, because it is right by that cabin and let the girls swing. They looked so darling in the pioneer dresses Donna had made for them. She also made bonnets and aprons, but they did not wear those to church.

Brad and Rick swinging Abby.

Abby & Gracie in their dresses....aren't they cute?!

You are too big, Brad! That evening we all went home. It was hard to leave that beautiful place, but we are grateful we have it and WE WILL BE BACK!

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