On Tuesday night, Dan called and invited Rick and me to go to Flaming Gorge the next morning at 5:00 A.M.!!! He and Clare were going to join the Barlow family for a river rafting trip the next day. Rick could not go, so we at first told him "no", but then I started thinking..."There's no reason I can't go"...and since I had NEVER seen Flaming Gorge NOR EVER been on a river run, I REALLY wanted to go...so I did, and I'm so glad! It was so much fun and the area was so beautiful. I now want my entire family to go there together sometime.

The views were gorgeous and the weather was perfect. The next day was stormy and gray, so we were very lucky to have gone the day we did. The Barlow clan ...starting down the river.
Trying to "catch up" with the Barlow's...just look at that view.
Mesia LOVED the river....but only if we were in rapids! She got bored when we were just peacefully floating.
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