On the first weekend in May we had our second Annual Mother/Daughters retreat. We first attended Women's conference at BYU (well, a few of us did!....it wasn't too good of a year for that with nursing babies etc., but hopefully next year will be better attended.) The conference was wonderful with President Monson giving the final address - his first as the Prophet. Then drove through the canyon to Park City and met up with the others at the Bajio for dinner. Afterwards we went to the condo for ice cream and goodies and a lot of fun talking and laughing until late at night when most had to return to Salt Lake. Angela, Emily & I (and of course Cannon) stayed over. It was a fun think to do, and I'm grateful everyone made the effort to come. I hope as the children get older we will all be able to attend Women's conference and make it a two night event! We also hope Sarah will be able to join us someday! Thanks again, husbands for your support with this.

Having dinner at the Bajio

And Cannon got to be here too! He will be 1 month old in 4 more days!

And Cannon got to be here too! He will be 1 month old in 4 more days!

Donna, in her typical pose whenever she sees a camera! We are so glad she came, though, she had not felt good all day, and didn't make it to the conference Friday.

Michelle, Christina and Angela
Ellie doesn't know quite what to think of Cannon.....and Cannon doesn't really care!

Cannon's first time at the Condo. I think he liked it. He especially liked the fan which he is looking at in this photo.
Ellie LOVED the condo! She is such a good natured little girl.
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