Well, we have ANOTHER GRANDBABY!! This time it is the Tingey's
Michelle had the baby this morning at 5:30 A.M. and everything went well for which we are Very Grateful! The baby is a beautiful healthy little GIRL with lots of dark and we think curly hair. Michelle was hoping for a boy for Caleb, but obviously Heavenly Father had a different plan, and He ALWAYS knows what is best! We love her already and are awaiting a name. She weighed 5lbs 11 oz. and was 19inches long.
Mom's first look at the baby! As soon as she was born, they rushed her out of the room because she had swallowed some water and needed to have it pumped out, so when they finally brought her back, she was all wrapped up and looking like a little papoose. She was also NOT a happy camper, until Michelle nursed her and then she calmed down..Michelle & Dave's 3 oldest, Stafford, Dallin, and Taylor were there for the birth! This was a first time experience for them and quite an experience!!
We also appreciated Michelle inviting us to be there...it is such a spiritual experience to see these new little ones coming so recently from Heaven. Here she is really looking me over. I think she is thinking.." I HOPE this is NOT my mom!...She is MUCH TOO OLD!"
LOOK at all that hair. We took this just before we left, and she had not had her bath yet! We are anxious to see her later today to see how curly that hair really is.
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