On Saturday, September the 6th, we had a very wonderful occasion at the cabin. Sydney and Mallory were baptised! They had both wanted to do this and had gotten permission from their bishops. It was a beautiful day (the weekend before it had snowed up there!), and the setting was perfect. Mark had cleared out a little "font" the day before down the hill from the cabin in the little river. You can see it in this picture right to the left of these two beautiful "angels". He had also cleared the pathway down the hill and even dug out stairs! The temperature that day was in the 60's but the river was A LOT COLDER!! However, the Spirit was so strong, that I know the girls were both "warmed" by Its presence and didn't seem to be too bothered by the cold. Most of our family were there, and many from the Giles and Alvey family also, including both sets of grandparents. Everyone was touched by the occasion and I'm sure will never forget it!

This was the scene the morning of the baptism just before the sun came up. The ground in the little pasture was covered with frost from the sprinkler we had left on....but as I looked out the window it looked absolutely
Heavenly! What a way for the day to begin!

Mallory and her dad, Mark, in front of the baptismal pool.

Sydney and her dad, Dave as they came down the hill from the cabin.

The Alvey family before the baptism.

The Evans family. Mallory is looking at that water wondering how cold it is!

The five cousins who were all born in 2000. Dallin was baptised in April. Emma will be baptised on her birthday, October 11, and Gracie will be baptised in November.

The family gathering for the baptism

Some of the boy cousins on the bridge.

Emily, playing for us to sing
"I am a Child of God" It was so beautiful...there in that setting.

Rick, conducting the service. Afterwards we all went up to the cabin and gathered in the front room for the confirmation. The girls had changed into their darling dresses and their fathers into shirts and ties. They all looked so nice. After the confirmations, we heard testimonies from both sets of parents. The Spirit was strong.

Grandma and Grandpa Evans with the girls after the confirmation

Sydney with her parents...

...and Mallory with hers.

Mallory and Sydney together in front of the cabin. What a wonderful day!
Gathering for the dinner after the confirmation. The weather was perfect, and the food was delicious. Everyone helped as usual. On the right of the table is Wendy's parents, Karen and Dave Giles and brother Eric.
Raymond and Marge Alvey (Dave's parents), and his sister Francine. We counted about 60 people there! What a great support for these two little girls.
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