I was quite pleased with how our flower box turned out....however, they tell us we can't water it! They just depend on rain around here....hope it works!
Believe it or not...THIS IS A HOUSE! It is on the river close to the dam by Keokuk. We don't know the whole story, but apparently this WEALTHY man build it for his girl friend and then she left him!! It is empty now, and we hear they may make it into condos. Maybe Dan would like to buy it. :)
These next two pictures of Rick & me were taken in a great store we found in Keokuk. It is actually called Family Discount Shoes, but they have EVERY in it especially in the basement and the attic that is filled with bargins!!
Notice the ceilings of this place! The plaster is coming off and the boards are even hanging down in some places. BUT WE HAVE FOUND SOME GREAT BARGINS HERE.....an end table, a bookcase both for $20, and a beautiful big mirror for $10.00.
Some of my good buys yesterday! Notice the bricked up windows. It is quite the place...certainly a contrast to the home pictured above. :)
Taken Sunday down by the end of Parley's street. We had walked down there after church to listen to a few of the site missionaries tell of the experiences of the pioneers as they left Nauvoo. I had seen them doing this earlier (I posted about it a few posts ago ) and Sunday they repeated it for the Temple missionaries. It was so touching!
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