Monday, August 24 we had our group party for August at Pioneer Past Times again. It was a beautiful night, except for the cicadas in the trees! Do you know about those? Look them up on Google. They are a large insect ..about 1 1/2 inches long and the males "sing" to attract the females and it is SO LOUD you can't believe it. There must have been hundreds of them in the trees. Anyway...here is a picture of one from the Internet. I should have gotten a picture at the party. Some of them fell onto the women and they were REALLY freaked out! Made for an interesting night! Here is a website if you are interested in learning more about them.
http://view.picapp.com/default.aspx?iid=2151567&term=cicada insect
I wanted this picture at the end of this post....but don't know how to move it down :) Anyway, I took this right at the end of the evening. The moon was a crescent and was so pretty! It gets dark here down by about 8:00
This was a fun activity. These two couples, the Mills and the Roundys are couples that have been here since last year. The husbands are really characters, especially when they get together. They blindfolded their wives and then had them "shave them" and had a contest to see who could do the best job. However, the wives did not realize that when they put the blindfolds on the husbands changed places, so they were not "shaving" their own husband. Their reaction when they took off the blindfold was really funny. You can see, they both have similar builds and a nice head of hair.
A sextet of last year missionaries. These sisters become very close, after being together for the whole year and a half.
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