Sunday, February 21, 2010

Joseph Smith sites

Last week we had a private tour of the Joseph Smith sites that are owned by the Community of Christ. Mr MacKay, who is the director here in Nauvoo and in Kirtland for their church gave us the tour. It was very interesting because we were able to go into the Nauvoo House which is not open for normal tours. This is the home where Emma lived the last years of her life . They now rent this out for families and youth groups, but we were not very impressed.
This is the main room downstairs off the kitchen where they eat.
In all the upstairs there were just rows and rows of these bunk beds. It wasn't very inviting or very clean. It also had a very musty smell
This window in the room which was Emma's looks out over the Mississippi. I wonder what she was thinking for years as she looked out this window. I wonder if she ever wished she had gone West with the Saints.

Walking over the the Homestead.  Under the little building on the left is where the bodies of Joseph and Hyrum were hidden for many years.  Now they are buried, along with Emma where you can see the headstones. 

Going into the homestead...where Joseph and Emma first lived when they came to Nauvoo.

Outside the Red Brick Store

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Looking down from the upper floor of the Red Brick Store into the office of Joseph Smith

Shopping in the Red Brick Store.  Sister Coons and Brother Wallentine

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