On Wednesday, March 17th, we had the wonderful experience of attending a commemoration of the organization of the Relief Society in the VERY PLACE WHERE THE ORGANIZATION TOOK PLACE - JOSEPH SMITH'S RED BRICK STORE!!
The site missionaries put on a wonderful program there and they did an extra performance for all the Temple missionary sisters. We also were able to borrow period dresses from the sewing room and ride there in the wagon pulled by two very beautiful horses. It was a once in a lifetime experience!
Brother Williams and Leishman, our driversThe site missionaries put on a wonderful program there and they did an extra performance for all the Temple missionary sisters. We also were able to borrow period dresses from the sewing room and ride there in the wagon pulled by two very beautiful horses. It was a once in a lifetime experience!
on the wagon, headed for the Store. It was cold...about 40 degrees! The day before it had been 60!!
President and Sister Ludwig greeting us as we arrived...also Brother Seville (as John Taylor)
Some of the Site missionaries who participated in the play
John Taylor and Joseph Smith
Sisters Cutler, Jorgenson, Drebot, Whitaker, and Riffey
Sisters Baca and Eichbush
Sisters Evans & Coons
The Mission President and his wife - The Ludwigs &
The Temple President and his wife _ The Petersons
Sisters Cutler, Jorgenson, Drebot, Whitaker, and Riffey
Sisters Baca and Eichbush
Sisters Evans & Coons
The Mission President and his wife - The Ludwigs &
The Temple President and his wife _ The Petersons

All the Temple missionary Sisters plus "Emma and Joseph", The Ludwigs and the Petersons, and "John Taylor"
Yes...I WAS THERE!! on March 17th, 2010
1 comment:
A difficult time for the Saints. You have an interesting mission. You are living history at the same time that you are making history.
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