Last Monday, we had another missionary variety show at the Visitors Center and the talent was amazing again! There were only two Temple missionaries who participated...the Cottrells and Sister Johnson

The Cottrells doing their was hilarious! It was called "No News!"
The Cottrells doing their was hilarious! It was called "No News!"
Sister Johnson...whistling...She is amazing! See the video clip below.
The Mechams...doing a skit about the outhouse!
Sister Johnson, just the end of her song, " I know Heavenly Father Loves Me". She also did "How Great Thou Art"! I can't even whistle two notes...let alone a song :)
Here are a few video clips of some of the talent. The entire show lasted an hour and a half, and was so enjoyable. I don't know where the site missionaries find the time to do all that they do! They are truly amazing people, and we have gotten really close to all of them too.
Sister Tolman doing the reading "Rindercella"! ...a take off of the story of Cinderella, where the words of instead of "dropped her slipper", she says "slopped her dripper " It is so funny. She did this last year in "Sunset by the Mississippi"! She is great!....this is just the ending.
The final number at the show was this male quarter consisting of Elders Boehmer, Clark, Guyman, and Henrickson, with Sister Steadman, a single sister missionary who just came a few months ago. Pretty good for "old people", huh?
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