I was out for a walk today alone because Rick was busy, and I decided to take the carriage ride. It lasts about an hour and takes you out north of the town where the early saints had their farms. It is still pretty much open country side and wooded areas and very pretty. In fact, I'm going to take my next walk out there. Anyway, our guide was an Elder Wasson from Spokane, and it did such a great job. He talked for the entire hour about the history of many of those early people of Nauvoo and he never had a note! He also got very emotional at times telling these stories and the Spirit was really strong. I was brought to tears several times, and I kept wishing Rick had been there. I knew he would have loved it. Anyway, when it was over, I asked Elder Wasson when he would be doing it again because I wanted my husband to hear it, and he said he would trade with the other Elder and do it at 4:30, so I got Rick and we came back. Elder Wasson was just as good the second time and I even heard several new facts. It certainly was one of the highlights of Nauvoo...and there have been many.
The teamster showing Mike and Andy to a little girl and her dad. She was a little frightened. These are BIG horses...draft horses and they weight over 2,000 pounds. In fact, Mike weighed almost 2,500 pounds!!
Me and Mike!
Going through "Joseph Creek". This is the creek the wagon fell into on the movie, Legacy. That was not planned, but a real accident that they left in the movie.
Elder Wasson, our guide
Inspiration Point. They say Joseph used to ride his horse out here to just get away and meditate.
A pretty little pond on one of the farms. The driver stopped here for us to see the snapping turtles on the logs, but we were so far away you really can't see them in this picture. I'm going to go down to the river tomorrow and see if I can get a close up picture of them. There is over 250 acres of natural grass around Nauvoo like this that has to be mowed at least once a week, so you can usually hear a mower someplace. They really keep the place looking beautiful, though.
Me and Mike!
Going through "Joseph Creek". This is the creek the wagon fell into on the movie, Legacy. That was not planned, but a real accident that they left in the movie.
Elder Wasson, our guide
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