It is tradition for all the missionaries to sing Christ carols on the Temple steps on Christmas Eve. Last year they said it was -17 degrees with the wind chill factor!!....and they only sang for about a half hour. Well, this year, it wasn't very cold...probably about 40 degrees, but it was pouring rain! It did let up a little for about 1/2 hour while we sang, but then it just started to pour...we were getting soaked!!
So we all hurried to the Stake Center for hot chocolate and sweet bread. It was a fun night!

So we all hurried to the Stake Center for hot chocolate and sweet bread. It was a fun night!

How do you like my red boots...I got a lot of comments on them :)
Gathering on the porch out of the rain. Wallentines, Jaussis, Hepworths, Footes, and Sis. Hollingsworth
With Elder and Sister Ross. They were missionaries here for 18 months, and now they have called him to be an assistant recorder, so they will be here for about 18 months!
The whole group..gathered to sing! Do we look miserable? We are over to the right about half way up to the top. Can you see me?
A close up of us in the group. This was taken by Brother Baca with his new camera!
Waiting for hot chocolate at the Stake Center
Elder Bench, the Brady's and Sister Bench between them...Brother Coon in the back .
The Sheppards...cousins of my roomate from BYU. I had been looking for them...they are new site missionaries...and then I just "happened" to sit down by them at the State Center! WOW!
Cute Sister MacKay helping in the kitchen...she is such a doll!
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