Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Winter again!!

SO...after have rain and warm weather for a couple of days...Christmas night it started to snow and it turned REALLY, REALLY COLD! By Saturday morning we had several inches of snow on the ground and it continued to snow all day on Saturday. So we did get our white Christmas.... JUST A DAY LATE. Everything is sooo beautiful, I love it!

Joseph and Brigham looking out over the Mississippi

The Oxen ride wagon...but where are the Oxen?

Here they are...eating that good hay! Wonder if they get cold?

Looking out across the field towards the Temple. Can you see the prairie grass in the background? They will burn that in the spring.

Brigham Young's home

John Taylor home

The Printing Office

and The Post Office
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The Scovil Bakery and home  (see how they put candles in the windows of all these homes and buildings?  It makes it look like the olden days)

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