Three of the performing missionaries. All of them are also in Pageant and Sunset as well as 2 plays of their own. They are really kept busy! They bring a lot of life to Nauvoo and it is going to be sad to see them go!

Blaine Hofeling...he is in Pageant as well as being in charge of the pre-pageant activities as well as being their official photographer (see the camera)! Busy man.

On the of little ones in Pageant...she was just off playing by herself. This is such an amazing experience for these families that come to be in Pageant.

Last Wednesday night they reserved seats on the front rows for all the Temple missionaries. We were on the front row! It was awesome! This is about 1/4 of our group.

The Nauvoo Brass Band...they are also called missionaries and are from all over the country.

Blaine with the man who plays Robert Laird in the Pageant. He is from England (but plays a Scot) and has the best accent. He is very talented!!

The Actor who play Charles Makepeace in the pageant. He is the comic relief and does a great job . The women is Kim Smith...a direct descendent from the Prophet Joseph!! She converted to the gospel about 10 years ago and her story is amazing. She and her son do firesides. We have heard them once, and hope to go again. I will post a picture of them both later.
A collage of pageant scenes....click on it to make it bigger.
A collage of the pre-pageant activities....great fun!
Blaine and his mom, Luana and 3 of his children. This was right after pageant one night. They had all been in it and the littlest one, Clarisa was really tired.
ALL THE CORE CAST! I'm beginning to feel like they are family, I have seen it so many times.
Last night was again one of those miracles. It had rained all day....really hard at times, but about 7:30 it started to let up and by 8:00 it had stopped. We went down to watch the last of it and it was a wonderful night...the stars even came out....amazing!
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