Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Vignettes

During Pageant month, the core cast performs little vignettes throughout old Nauvoo. So far I have only been able to see these three.
This one is called Women of Nauvoo and is performed in the women's garden by the Visitor's center. The women tell about the organization of the Relief Society and their love for it and one another.
This one is called Letters of Emma and Joseph and offers insights into the life of the Prophet Joseph and his beloved wife Emma through quotations from their actual letters narrated by "Lucy Smith". It is performed by the Mansion House
"Hyrum Smith and his wife Mary Ann" singing at the above vignette ..they have beautiful voices
The King Follett Discourse vignette. Performed in the grove by Joseph Smith...excerpts from this funeral service which was one of the Prophets last major sermons.
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The Bagpipe band that plays before all the vignettes.

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