Almost every Sunday evening we have what they call Sociables. They are like firesides...but that is a funny name because firesides were never by a fire....anyway.....these are presented by different people, and they are always great! They are in the Visitor Center and in order to get a good seat you have to come about an hour early! Otherwise you are in the overflow room and only see it on a screen and not live.

The sociable last Sunday was put on by the 20 Sister Missionaries that serve in Nauvoo. It was excellent...most of them can sing as well as play an instument.The Sister in the center with the guitar is Sister Parker from Angela's ward in Bountiful. Angela was her Laurel teacher. Her companion is the sister standing on the left, and we discovered she is Rick's cousin, Wayne Evans' granddaughter! Small world! She is Sister Thomas. They are both darling girls, and are doing a wonderful work here.
Sister Parker in the center
Sister Parker and Sister Thomas.
1 comment:
It has probably been two months since we've looked at your blog. It gets busier and more complicated all the time here.
Was drawn to lay my work down and come take a look. Want you to know that about five pictures down I felt the spirit so strongly. Lots of stories of many in your blog. When I got to THE two stories I knew for sure why the spirit was so intense those two stories and the 138 Smiths!
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