Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nauvoo Temple - nighttime in December

The Temple grounds are so beautiful this Christmas season...just wanted to share a little of that beauty with you.

This is my favorite picture I have taken of the Temple so far.  We had been serving in the information center across the street that day, and as I walked out to the car and looked back there was the Temple lit up against the evening sky.  They sunset was more vivid in real life, but this was still a gorgeous picture, don't you think!

This lifesize nativity scene in on the lawn just south of the Temple and is really the only decorations they have on the grounds.  These two trees on either side of it are the only trees lit up too.  Then they have boughs and wreaths on the fences and old  fashioned looking lanterns.

Wanted you to see how beautiful the details are on the statue.  Just look at the baby Jesus's face.

The front entrance to the Temple. ...can you see the lanterns?

Looking west in front of the Temple...Joseph and Hyrum on their was to Carthage!

One of the lanterns inside a wreath...with and without a flash.  See the Temple through the wreath above.

Two more pictures of the Temple on a snowy night!

Looking at the main street of Nauvoo from the Temple.  Just wanted you to see our busy Holiday traffic!  This was at 5:30 P.M.  I LOVE IT!!  I'm going to have a hard time going back to the big city :)Posted by Picasa

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