Friday, June 5, 2009


Finally got some pictures of the snapping turtles that sun themselves on the logs. I thought they would be on the logs right along the bank and I could get some good close-ups, but dud, if you were a turtle would you be close to the bank where people might catch you...NO... they are off shore waaaay out in the river. With my zoom I was able to get some pictures though. However, many also jumped into the river when I would got down to the edge to take the picture. There were lots on the logs, but only these brave ones stayed for the picture :)
These pictures also show the water lilies that form on the river because it is so shallow in spots. It is really a lake formed by the dam at Keokuk with the Mississippi running through it!

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1 comment:

Sarah Evans said...

We miss you guys. Madison loved looking at the turtles. Keep the pictures coming!